About Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc.

Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides training, fosters collaboration, and develops programming to increase the health and safety of students. MPY is committed to bringing cutting-edge information and high quality trainings to our constituents and endeavors to provide solution-oriented, community-based, multi-disciplinary approaches to foster mental and behavioral health, social and emotional learning, trauma sensitive classrooms and building a school culture that supports anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion. MPY is governed by a Board of Directors made up of school superintendents, police and fire chiefs, and other community leaders who work closely with MPY staff.

Webinar Registration
Please check MPY’s webinar section for a list of offerings. To register for a webinar, click the “register now” in red under each webinar. 

Webinar Cancellation Policy
If you are registered for a webinar and are unable to attend, please email Bonnie Mullen at bonnie@mpyinc.org to cancel your registration. We request 24 hours notification Phone cancellations are not accepted.

In-Person Conferences and Webinars – Accessibility and Accommodations
All Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) Conferences and Webinars are handicapped accessible. MPY will work to make reasonable accommodations as requested by individuals with disabilities. Please make requests to Executive Director Margie Daniels by email at margie@mpyinc.org. Requests must be made at least 3 weeks prior to a conference or a webinar.

Statement of Non Discrimination
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) complies with the applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, creed, sexual orientation or sex (including gender identity and gender stereotyping).

Right of Refusal
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) programming is restricted to direct employees of membership entities and this organization reserves the right to refuse admission to non-members.  MPY reserves the right to ask anyone to leave an MPY event if their behavior creates an unsafe or hostile environment, or disrupts, disturbs, or otherwise impedes the programming.

Each member district may select up to five remote in-service training workshops. If mutually agreed upon by the presenter and requesting district, workshops may be offered in person. Workshops are available for staff, students and community members. MPY provides schools, law enforcement, and other community stakeholders with the strategies and skills necessary to foster safe and secure learning environments. MPY offers workshops on a variety of topics including Internet safety, substance abuse prevention, restorative justice, anxiety, healthy teen relationships, and youth suicide prevention. Please see MPY’s In-Service Workshop page for more information.

Members include more than 270 public school districts, public charter schools, private schools, education collaboratives, and 501(c)(3) community organizations.

Membership Information
MPY provides professional development training, youth leadership training, and remote and on-site in-service workshops as a benefit of membership. Each member district may select up to five in-service workshops annually. Current employees of member organizations may attend MPY webinars free of charge. 

MPY membership is available to public, private, community and government organizations. The public school rate for MPY annual membership is a base cost of $600 plus $.70 per student. This includes public school districts, charter schools, and collaboratives. Public school district memberships include police and fire personnel. Former and retired employees, members of committees including but not limited to PTO/PTA, PAC, School Improvement Councils, Health Councils, Drug/Alcohol Councils, education consultants and school volunteers are not considered MPY members.

The annual cost of membership for private entities is based on the number of employees. Private entities include private schools and governmental/community organizations and must be incorporated. The sliding scale for membership dues is as follows: $500 for 1-20 employees; $1,000 for 21-49 employees; $1,500 for 50-99; and $2,000 for 100+ employees.

MPY does not offer individual memberships.

For questions regarding membership, please email MPY Executive Director, Margie Daniels, at Margie@mpyinc.org.

Please see the Webinar section for more information on upcoming webinars. 

Most importantly, MPY fosters partnerships to find long-term solutions to the myriad of issues impacting youth in our schools and communities. 

MPY is grateful to have received financial contributions from:

  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • Middlesex County District Attorney’s Office
  • The Fred Bergfors and Margaret Sandberg Foundation
  • The Savings Bank

Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, or marital status.

Margie Daniels, L.I.C.S.W., M.Ed., Executive Director, margie@mpyinc.org

Taylor Couture, Technology Coordinator, tech@mpyinc.org

Wendy Leone, Communications Coordinator, wendy@mpyinc.org

Bonnie Mullen, Services Coordinator, bonnie@mpyinc.org

John Oteri, M.Ed., School Safety Coordinator, john@mpyinc.org

Amy Welch, Prevention and Education Coordinator, amy@mpyinc.org