The following workshops are available for staff, students and parents. Workshops are offered both in person and via Zoom. MPY requires a minimum of 25 participants for staff workshops and a minimum of 40 participants for parent and caregiver workshops. Exceptions are made on a case by case basis.

Accommodations and Modifications for Multilinguals: Not Just for Special Education Students (Remote Only)

Adaptive Behavior Profiles in Autism Spectrum Disorders (Remote Only)

Addressing Caregivers of Students with a High Level of Need (Limited In-Person Availability)

An Introduction to Teen Dating Violence and How to Respond to Disclosures

Anxiety and Executive Functioning: Two Sides of the Same Coin? (Remote Only) - 2 Session Workshop

Anxiety and School Performance (Remote Only)

Best Practices in Screening, Assessment, & Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Remote Only)
Beyond Senior Year- Action Elements for Leaving High School

Bringing Healthy Relationship Education into the Classroom
Building a Community of Care and Belonging Through Play (In Person Only)
Core needs for everyone and crucial in creating a supportive, dynamic learning environment are connection and belonging. Creating an environment of safety, trust and engagement is the foundation for fostering healthy relationships amongst students and adults. One key and powerful way to create this environment of trust and engagement is using well-led play. Play helps create a social and emotional learning environment of cooperation, active engagement, joy and social connection. Thus, a Community of Care and Belonging.
Many play activities and Play leadership skills will be taught. Skills and activities that highlight how to use playfulness to engage students, how to add in playful movement as brain breaks, how to interject simple mindfulness activities and offer voice and choice which fosters safety and internal control, all while having fun ourselves.
This workshop will allow the participants to "Expand their bag of tricks." Utilizing energizers, ice breakers, circle games, active games, theater games, team building games, free play and imaginative play, this strand will offer many activities that will support any PBIS and SEL programming, responsive classroom curriculum or restorative circles practices.