The following workshops are available for staff, students and parents. Workshops are offered both in person and via Zoom. MPY requires a minimum of 25 participants for staff workshops and a minimum of 40 participants for parent and caregiver workshops. Exceptions are made on a case by case basis.

Understanding and Responding to Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Every day, young people are deceived, manipulated, coerced, and forced into the commercial sex trade. This multibillion-dollar industry targets vulnerable individuals in our communities. The Understanding and Responding to Victims Training gives service providers, law enforcement, and community members the tools needed to better serve this marginalized population.

Understanding Digital Abuse
Incidents of Digital Abuse are on the rise. Digital Abuse, which includes the use of technology to harass, exploit, and intimidate others takes many forms. This conversation focuses on how young people today may be exploited and explores the definition and types of digital abuse. This workshop will also demonstrate how digital abuse is similar/different than other forms sexual violence, our state's laws, and best practices for prevention.

Understanding Our Roles as Teachers of Multilingual Learners (Remote Only)
This workshop will clarify the roles of ESL and classroom teachers of multilingual learners and offer strategies to complement one another's efforts and maximize student outcomes.

Understanding Teen Depression
How can you ask your teen if they are feeling depressed? This on-site or virtual workshop is facilitated by Families for Depression Awareness (FFDA) staff and delivered by a mental health professional. Participants learn how to recognize depression in teens, communicate effectively with teens about depression, find treatment, and access community resources. Our staff works with local event organizers to customize the workshop for your group’s specific needs.
Using an Intersectional Lens to Support Our Students and Each Other
In this workshop, we will discuss how our intersecting identities impact our experiences as staff, faculty, and students. We will deepen our knowledge of power, privilege, and oppression through discussions and activities that allow us to challenge ourselves and build confidence in having these hard conversations. Participants will learn strategies for fostering inclusive environments that promote community resilience and belonging.
Utilizing the Growth Mindset
The growth mindset is the idea of continuous self-improvement and growth. But how can adolescents implement this mindset? This presentation will consider how to commit to a growth mindset, set appropriate goals, recognize multiple intelligences, stay motivated, work within limitations and develop ambitious habits so as to achieve success.

Vicarious Trauma and Self Care
Teachers are the front line to our students and often take on secondary trauma that their students have faced in their little lives. This can lead to fatigue and burn out in staff. Being able to identify physical and emotional symptoms of vicarious trauma as an educator allows teachers to build a tool box of self care supports.

What Are You Puffing? Vaping and Our Youth
Vaping has recently become a troubling trend in our schools and communities. This workshop focuses on how to recognize vaping devices and products and the physical impact vaping has on the body.

What Are You Puffing? Vaping Presentation
Vaping has recently become a troubling trend in our schools and communities. This presentation focuses on the physical and mental impact vaping has on the body. Many students falsely believe that vaping is a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes and are unaware of the health consequences.
What Happens When You Crash
Presented by a former firefighter/EMT, this graphic and informative discussion will consider the car crash - from the physics of human deceleration in a vehicle to the predictable mechanisms of injury based on speed, body position in the vehicle and the use of seat belts and air bags. Students have recognized this as one of the most behavior-changing presentations that they have ever sat through.