The following workshops are available for staff, students and parents. Workshops are offered both in person and via Zoom. MPY requires a minimum of 25 participants for staff workshops and a minimum of 40 participants for parent and caregiver workshops. Exceptions are made on a case by case basis.
Newcomers 101: Nurturing a Smooth Transition (Remote Only)
Learn essential techniques and best practices for effectively welcoming and supporting newly arrived multilingual learners, ensuring a supportive transition into the classroom and community.
![School Assemblies](/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Teen-Sexting-1910x1365-1-300x214.jpg)
OMG TMI N/C: Preventing Teen Sexting
Teens are sharing, posting, and sending images of themselves at alarming rates, including images that are illicit in nature. This student assembly will discuss the legal, personal, and emotional ramifications of teen sexting behaviors.
![Mental and Behavioral Health](/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ASD-for-1st-Responders-1920x1372-1-300x214.jpg)
Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder for First Responders (Remote Only)
This webinar will provide an overview of the symptoms of ASD across the lifespan and specific strategies for first responders to utilize when interacting with potential individuals in the community. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often referred to as an “invisible disability” because the symptoms of ASD are not necessarily overt. This is especially the case for individuals with ASD who are verbal and intelligent and, thus, might appear to first responders as typically developing. Yet, these individuals often possess significant if not debilitating sensory processing impairments, restricted and repetitive behaviors, and emotional dysregulation that can result in severe behavioral decompensation in the face of unpredictable events, including aggression, self-injury, and/or property destruction.
Planning with Intentionality for DEIB (Remote Only)
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) are important components of the educational planning, teaching, and learning process. It is not enough to just talk about diversity. Educators need to create an environment where all students feel welcomed, respected, valued, and supported. The work of DEIB begins first with reflecting on who we are as the educator. With intention, we can then plan and develop DEIB learning experiences for our students, which have been shown to increase both student empathy and awareness of the "pluralistic world in which we live." This workshop is 90 minutes.
Power in Partnerships (Remote Only)
Research demonstrates that strong relationships between schools and families can positively affect student achievement and outcomes. By fostering stronger family and community engagement schools can increase student achievement, improve student attendance and behavior, enhance staff's understanding of family. This workshop is 90 minutes.
Preparing Students with ASD for Transition to Adulthood (Remote Only)
Transitioning out of high school to either continued education or the workplace is extremely challenging for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Even though most individuals with ASD have intact cognition and language, most fail to achieve levels of independence in adulthood due to limited functional social, communication, and adaptive skills necessary for self-sufficiency. There is a critical need to prepare for this transition early, intensively, and comprehensively. This workshop will provide an overview of strategies, supports, and accommodations that can be implemented in schools to promote a successful transition.
![Mental and Behavioral Health](/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Program-for-ASD-in-Schools-1920x1372-1-300x214.jpg)
Programming for Autism in the Schools for Students with Intact Cognition and Language (Remote Only)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) continues to broaden, with many autistic individuals having no cognitive and/or language impairments that confound their social disability. Therefore, many of these individuals receive educational programming within mainstream or inclusive settings. Yet despite their cognitive and language prowess, many students with ASD struggle with social communication and interaction. They often experience co-occurring challenges, including impairments in executive functioning and adaptive behavior skills, as well as social-emotional struggles that merit direct intervention in the schools.
This webinar will provide an overview of the more subtle but complex presentations ASD, including females, and will present evidence-based strategies for fostering all areas of vulnerability within the school system. Concepts of masking and camouflaging behaviors, as well the misnomer of the widely misinterpreted description “high functioning autism” will be discussed.
Real Talk About Racism (Remote Only)
Racism is something that ALL minorities have had to face in their lives. NOT talking about racism is no longer an option. This forum will give educators an opportunity to listen, learn, and expand their cultural competence. We will also discuss many other topics, including how to be an ally, what every person can do to make progress in this area, what to do if you encounter resistance, and a lot more.
![School Assemblies](/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Respect-1920x1372-1-300x214.jpg)
Giving and receiving respect allows us to communicate effectively, own our own successes and failures and better respond to those of others. This workshop will empower students and give them lifelong tools they can use in interactions with their family, peers, and others.
Responding to the Effects of Trauma in the Classroom (Remote Only)
This workshop will address the social-emotional needs in the classroom, as well as a deeper look at what ACEs or Adverse Childhood Experiences are and how that stress can become toxic and its impact on learning. We will also explore some classroom techniques that can be used daily to help children with stress and trauma.