The following workshops are available for staff, students and parents. Workshops are offered both in person and via Zoom.
Accommodations and Modifications for Multilinguals: Not Just for Special Education Students (Remote Only)
Explore the world of multilingual accommodations and modifications. What is the difference? How do I know what to do?
And how can I use them to promote greater engagement in my classroom?
Adaptive Behavior Profiles in Autism Spectrum Disorders (Remote Only)
Adaptive behavior is generally defined as the independent performance of daily activities that are required for personal and social self-sufficiency. Deficits in adaptive behavior are, by definition, criteria to be classified as an Intellectual Disability. Yet in ASD, adaptive delays tend to be above and beyond what would be expected based on cognitive impairments, alone, especially for individuals with ASD who do not have cognitive impairment. This gap between cognition and adaptive behavior appears to widen with age and impedes functional independence into adulthood. This presentation will outline these profiles of adaptive behavior and discuss the importance of assessing for and teaching adaptive skills from initial diagnosis throughout the lifespan.
Addressing Caregivers of Students with a High Level of Need (Limited In-Person Availability)
This presentation addresses the stress and impact of raising a child with significant mental health needs. With an emphasis on the neuroscience of anxiety, this in-service workshop will also address the trauma and fear related to caring for students with a high level of need. Through this lens, we will identify ways to approach caregivers in partnering to support high risk students.
An Introduction to Teen Dating Violence and How to Respond to Disclosures
Teen Dating Violence, while incredibly pervasive, is often shrouded in secrecy and shame. Teens who are experiencing dating violence are often hesitant to seek support from an adult, and instead turn to their peers and social media for information and guidance. In this workshop, program participants will receive information and skills to recognize, respond, and support youth experiencing relationship abuse. Learn about common behavioral indicators of dating violence, health effects, and tools to assist youth after disclosures of abuse.
Anxiety and Executive Functioning: Two Sides of the Same Coin? (Remote Only) - 2 Session Workshop
Managing stress and anxiety as well as coping with executive functioning demands are perhaps the two most common and, in many ways, most challenging issues related to education. Anxiety and Executive Functioning affect a large number—some might say majority—of students. Educators often see both in students, and research supports that there is a neurological connection between the sections of our brains that manage each set of behaviors.
This set of two workshops examines the aspects of anxiety and executive functioning, covering the issues specific to each and how they interact. Each workshop will cover the characteristics, evaluation procedures, and intervention strategies that a variety of experts have recommended.
Anxiety and School Performance (Remote Only)
Anxiety not only challenges academic progress, but also significantly affects behavior. This workshop will review how anxiety affects student behavior and performance, and strategies that can be employed to help students effectively manage the demands of school and home. This presentation is only available to school staff and administration.
Best Practices in Screening, Assessment, & Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Remote Only)
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) affect multiple areas of functioning, demanding a multidisciplinary approach to conceptualization, diagnosis, and intervention. With the prevalence of ASD rising, as well as the percentage of individuals with ASD without cognitive or speech impairments, there is a need for educators to better understand the nuances of autism symptomatology across the spectrum to ensure appropriate detection, diagnosis, and treatment. This workshop will (help educators) identify, assess, and diagnose symptoms of ASD using state-of-the-art measures and best practices in the field.
Beyond Senior Year- Action Elements for Leaving High School
As a high school senior, you’re about to go through the most transitory time of your life. New experiences, new independence, new responsibilities will take you down paths that will change and define who you will become. This presentation is about embracing what’s coming, recognizing that there will be challenges, but approaching it all with confidence and enthusiasm. Topics explore Legal, Health, Financial, Safety, Online/Social Media and Relationship issues.
Bringing Healthy Relationship Education into the Classroom
In this session, we will explore adult and teen perceptions of teen dating violence, discuss messages and barriers that uniquely impact youth relationships, and provide strategies to address these barriers when talking with teens. We will offer strategies for opening the conversation and engaging teens in thinking critically about healthy and unhealthy relationships. Participants will leave with tools for responding to difficult questions, as well as several interactive activities they can facilitate with their students. Participants will learn techniques to create two-way discussions about values, boundaries, and your role in supporting their relationship development.
Building An Antiracist Classroom 101 (Remote Only)
Despite decades of progress, racial disparities still remain in learning communities today. Designed for K-12 educators, this in-service workshop will delve into the roots of structural racism built into the fabric of our education system. Topics will include recognizing and addressing implicit bias in pedagogy and curriculum, dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline, and creating a classroom culture that prioritizes student voice. Participants will gain the social emotional learning tools needed to transform their classroom into a safe space where young people feel free to honestly share their beliefs, hopes, fears, and questions.