For this webinar series, participants will automatically be enrolled in all 5 sessions.


David Gotthelf, Ph.D., NCSP


A variety of facts affect our students’ and ourselves’ behavior and learning. This workshop looks at the models we can use to understand and address those factors, how to consider them, assess them, and to change them, if necessary. Each session will cover specific ways of doing this, including the use of case studies. Webinar participants will be provided with concepts and skills that should result in stronger collaborative strategies as well as greater understanding of the challenges our students face when it comes to learning and managing their own development along with the changing expectations both at school and at home.

To receive PDPs and CEUs, participants must attend all 5 sessions either live or via the recording and successfully pass a quiz following Session 5. Following the live webinar, registrants will be emailed a link to view the recorded webinar. The recording will be made available for 7 days after each session. If you are not eligible for PDPs and/or CEUs, you may apply for a Certificate of Attendance.

The Bio-Psycho-Social Model is an important and widely accepted model used in understanding ourselves, our students, and our community. This session explores the Bio-Psycho-Social model along with three other models developed to address how we can work collaboratively as professionals, how we can effectively understand the major areas to be mindful of in our work with students, and how we can develop an effective school/community model to address student needs.

How do our students learn? How do we understand their abilities? And how should we assess those abilities within the different contexts our students participate in? This session covers these questions in detail.

Understanding what we teach is just one aspect of a student’s learning. How a student organizes that information as well as effectively managing expectations and the planning involved is a significant challenge for many students. This session explores how we can help students manage this major challenge.

Often, behavior, emotion and mood is one of the most difficult aspect for our students. We must address this area effectively to help our students succeed academically as well as socially. This session explores different behavioral issues, how to assess them, and strategies we can employ to address them.

This session takes the concepts covered in the first four sessions and applies them to actual cases the presenter has evaluated and/or provided therapeutic services.  The idea in this final session is that the material and models covered in this workshop are not simply academic but can be effectively addressed in real settings. 

About the Speaker

David Gotthelf (he/him) is a licensed psychologist provider, school psychologist, and special education administrator.  Areas of interest and expertise include assessment and treatment of anxiety, executive functioning, and high functioning ASD. He has over 35 years of experience working in schools and clinical settings, including the Wellesley, Lincoln-Sudbury, and Newton Public Schools.  Following his “retirement” from Newton Public Schools, he served as the program manager for teens and young adults with high functioning ASD at MGH’s Aspire Program. Dr. Gotthelf currently has a private practice, providing therapy and evaluation services.  In addition to the training webinars he provides for MPY, Dr. Gotthelf has taught at Boston University and Northeastern University, and is currently a member of the adjunct faculty at Butler University.

Membership Information

Most MPY webinars are available ONLY to current staff from member districts and organizations. Public school memberships include police and fire personnel. Former and retired employees and members of committees, including but not limited to, PTO/PTA, PAC, School Improvement Councils, Health Councils, Drug/Alcohol Councils, and school volunteers, are not considered MPY members.

PDPs and CEUs

MPY is an approved Professional Development Provider through the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (Provider No. F20180079). Professional Development Points (PDPs) are offered for most MPY professional development webinars. PDPs are issued in 10 hour increments, per DESE requirements.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for clinical staff through the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association, Inc. (MaMHCA). The NASW and the MaMHCA approve each event individually. CEUs may be given in hourly increments.

To receive PDPs and CEUs, participants must pass the quiz.

Event Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend a MPY webinar you must cancel, through Bonnie Mullen at, one business day before the webinar.

For MPY hybrid conferences, the date in-person registration closes will be posted on MPY’s website. Virtual conference registration will close one business day before the hybrid conference. You cannot cancel or switch your registration from in-person to virtual after in-person registration closes. Please email Bonnie Mullen at with any questions regarding registration.

  • Enrollment in this course closed on 10/07/2024.

All sessions are 12:00 – 2:00 pm.

  • Session 1: October 7, 2024, The Bio-Psycho-Social Model
  • Session 2: October 21, 2024, Cognition
  • Session 3: November 4, 2024, Executive Functioning
  • Session 4: November 18, 2024, Behavior, Emotion, and Mood
  • Session 5: December 2, 2024, Case Studies