For this webinar series, participants will automatically be enrolled in all 5 sessions.


Dana Gastich French, M.A., Founder & Lead Consultant, UpRiver Education


‘Working with Newcomer English Learners,’ presented by UpRiver Education, is designed to equip K-12 educators with the essential knowledge and skills to support newly arrived English learners. Through a comprehensive exploration of best practices, participants will learn strategies for fostering linguistic development, academic success, and acculturation for newcomer students.

To receive PDPs and CEUs, participants must attend all 5 sessions and successfully pass a quiz following Session 5. Following the live webinar, registrants will be emailed a link to view the recorded webinar. The recording will be made available for 7 days after each session. If you are not eligible for PDPs and/or CEUs, you may apply for a Certificate of Attendance.

This session discusses the unique needs and challenges faced by newcomer English learners, exploring topics such as acculturation, language acquisition, and educational background. Participants will gain insights into effective strategies for creating welcoming and supportive environments for newcomer students.

Participants will examine the importance of cultural competence in working with newcomer English learners, emphasizing the need for sensitivity to cultural differences and backgrounds. This session will provide practical strategies for fostering cultural awareness and creating inclusive classroom environments.

This session explores evidence-based strategies for supporting language development among newcomer English learners, focusing on both oral and written language skills. Participants will develop their understanding of foundational-level English proficiency and apply that knowledge to their setting. They will learn techniques for scaffolded instruction, vocabulary development, and language-rich activities to facilitate language acquisition.

Participants will learn how to adapt curricular materials and implement differentiated instruction to meet the diverse needs of newcomer English learners. This session will provide practical tips and resources to accommodate for beginner proficiency levels, amplify content and promote academic success

This session focuses on developing actionable plans for supporting newcomer English learners. Participants will apply information from all four previous sessions to their current setting. A choice board for area of focus and implementation will be provided so that educators across a variety of roles can create a product that aligns to their position and responsibilities.

About the Speaker

Dana Gastich French, M.A., (she/her) founder and lead consultant for UpRiver Education, has 20+ years of experience educating and advocating for emergent multilingual students. Her work in teaching, coaching and leadership roles has afforded her the experience and perspective to understand both the pedagogical and system-level practices needed to maximize outcomes for multilingual learners. Ms. Gastich French supports districts, universities and state agencies with training, coaching, ESL curriculum, and consultation. Popular topics include sheltered instruction, ESL team training, and leadership support for ELE programming. Further, she has experience evaluating district data, policies and practices to develop and enact multi-year strategic plans for district improvement. Ms. Gastich French co-authored the text Teaching English Language Learners: Content and Language in Secondary Classrooms, which has served as a staple for Massachusetts level educator preparation programs. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband, three children, two pups and a tortoise. Go to to learn more and find out how you can reach out to bring Dana to your district.

Membership Information

Most MPY webinars are available ONLY to current staff from member districts and organizations. Public school memberships include police and fire personnel. Former and retired employees and members of committees, including but not limited to, PTO/PTA, PAC, School Improvement Councils, Health Councils, Drug/Alcohol Councils, and school volunteers, are not considered MPY members.

PDPs and CEUs

MPY is an approved Professional Development Provider through the Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (Provider No. F20180079). Professional Development Points (PDPs) are offered for most MPY professional development webinars. PDPs are issued in 10 hour increments, per DESE requirements.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for clinical staff through the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the Massachusetts Mental Health Counselors Association, Inc. (MaMHCA). The NASW and the MaMHCA approve each event individually. CEUs may be given in hourly increments.

Event Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend a MPY webinar you must cancel, through Bonnie Mullen at, one business day before the webinar.

For MPY hybrid conferences, the date in-person registration closes will be posted on MPY’s website. Virtual conference registration will close one business day before the hybrid conference. You cannot cancel or switch your registration from in-person to virtual after in-person registration closes. Please email Bonnie Mullen at with any questions regarding registration.

  • Enrollment in this course closed on 10/05/2024.

If you are seeking to receive CEUs and/or PDPs, please click Register Now. Once you complete the webinar series, you will be able to take quizzes for CEUs and/or PDPs. Upon completion of each quiz, you will receive a certificate.

All sessions are 9:30 – 11:30 am

  • Session 1: October 4, 2024, Understanding Newcomer English Learners
  • Session 2: October 11,2024, Cultural Competence and Sensitivity in the Classroom
  • Session 3: October 18, 2024, Language Development Strategies for Newcomers
  • Session 4: October 25, 2024, Adapting Materials and Differentiating Instruction
  • Session 5: November 1, 2024, Application of Concepts: Action Planning and Implementation