WAKEFIELD — Executive Director Margie Daniels of Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth (MPY) is pleased to share that MPY will present 28 professional development In-Service Workshops across the Commonwealth on Election Day.

On Tuesday, Nov. 5, MPY is offering a wide array of professional development opportunities for educators, utilizing MPY’s expertise and resources to provide timely and relevant training for educators. Many school districts have a professional development day for school staff on Election Day.

MPY is committed to bringing cutting-edge information and high-quality professional development to Massachusetts educators. Workshops are facilitated by experts recognized in the fields of education, psychology, social work, counseling, anti-racism, and student safety. MPY partners with members to tailor workshops to meet the individual school’s unique and varied needs.

MPY’s In-Service Workshop Program offers member school districts a choice of 96 different trainings designed to enhance mental and behavioral health, social and emotional learning, school safety, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“Election Day is always our busiest day of the year for In-Service Workshops,” said MPY Prevention and Education Coordinator Amy Welch. “This year, we have seen increased requests for In-Service Workshops on Election Day. MPY is proud to support 13 districts’ professional development needs. Throughout the day, our presenters will be facilitating 28 In-service Workshops. MPY’s In-Service Workshops cover a wide array of topics, including Restorative Justice, Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools, School Safety, Underage Substance Use, Supporting LGBTQ+ Students, and many more. All workshops have been tailored to meet each district’s unique goals and needs.”

For more information or to schedule In-Service Workshops with MPY, contact Prevention and Education Coordinator Welch at amy@mpyinc.org.

About the Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc.
Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that provides training, fosters collaboration and develops programming to increase the health and safety of students. MPY is committed to bringing cutting-edge information and high-quality trainings to constituents and endeavors to provide solution-oriented, community-based, multi-disciplinary approaches to reducing and ideally eliminating risky behaviors for youth. MPY programming reaches nearly 6,000 educators per year in Massachusetts, spread across approximately 300 districts, with more than 150 webinars and over a dozen conferences.

Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth is governed by a Board of Directors made up of school superintendents, police and fire chiefs, and other community leaders who work closely with MPY staff to deliver this mission. To learn more, visit: massachusettspartnershipsforyouth.com


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